Hope springs eternal 2020





A poetic experiment about the mutual friendship between man and nature “written” with lines of stones and “published” along the sea.

To touch a stone, to pick a stone on any beach, is almost to touch the beginning of time, the beginning of the physical world. The stones on the Danish beaches come from our subsoil and from the mountains of Scandinavia. Beach stones are up to 1800 million years old, lime stones (primarily used for this project) are about 60 million years old. Carried by glaciers and meltwater, washed and rounded to the stones we are currently holding in our hands; they are living material that stores information about water and sand and … life.

The stones are carefully picked on different beaches, taken to the atelier and painted with cobalt blue, prussian blue and ultramarine nontoxic Stockmar high quality watercolour, which enables the stones to continue breathing and the rain and water to gradually wash off the paint, once they are back on the beach again.

The lines of blue stones appear quietly on different beaches along the shores of North and East Sealand crossing the ocean to the island Samsø and to Mölle in Sweden.

The stones have been collected from beaches in  Hornbæk, Dronningmølle, Ålsgårde, Munkerup, Gilleleje, Smidstrup, Tinkerup, Rågeleje, Heatherhill, Tisvildeleje, Sælvig bugten, Besser Rev, Mölle in Sweden. Different lines of stones “written” with stones from different beaches on every beach, thankfully left there to continue their unique being  …


En ordløs “digtsamling” med linier af 21 blåmalede strandsten “skrevet” i vandkanten, i sandet, på grusede og stenede underlag som tegn på den fælles skabelse vi er. En brevveksling mellem natur og menneske udgivet og dokumenteret henover sommeren 2020 på 14 forskellige strande på Sjællands nord- og østkyst, på Samsø og på Kullen i Sverige.

Et kunstprojekt som berørte mig personligt på en måde, jeg ikke havde forestillet mig – det der skete, mens jeg lagde stenene og bagefter, da de bare lå der og talte og blev til billeder … lå helt stille som aftegninger af et fælles ar i landskabet.


Projektet foregik 16.7. 2020 til 22.9. 2020.

Sidste udgivelse på stranden bag kunstmuseet Munkeruphus i Dronningmølle i Nordsjælland.

